Online Examination System breaks the boredom of traditional examination system

With the introduction of automated examination system, conducting examination has turned out to be an easy task. Its made us free of paper work. Maintaining question papers, answers scripts, submisison of question papers by teachers, maintaining marks record, generating report card all easy task now.

Record maintaining to corrections of answers are all automatized making teachers hands free of unnecessary written work. It proved advantageous as there are least chances of making mistakes as all calculations are done by the system itself.

Teachers only require to go through the subjective answers and put suitable marks. Totalling of marks are automatically calculated by the system solely. Maintaining sets of question papers are even easier. Teacher require to type the questions and upload them choosing the standard and set number The system automatically checks whether similar question are getting repeated in two or more sets. Teachers have the option of either changing the question or keeping it as it is.

In brief the system is eco-friendy and hassle free saving time both of the institute and the students.

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