Online classroom system is a WOW!!

Online classroom system is a WOW!!

Online classroom system can be termed as “School in Home system”. Being in 10th standard as examinations are knocking at the door , the system is user friendly and time saving. We get to communicate with our teachers instantly just logging in through the credentials provided by the school and a camera.

This web service has helped in solving a number of problems sitting at home itself. The system even has the provision of giving online test if a student wishes for. Students require to log in choose respective subject for testing and give the answers.

Papers get corrected within a day and results are displayed and texted to us. This is of great advantage to know our preparation status. The system has a special provision of getting an access to e-library system where students can download the pdf formats of reference books, test papers, previous years paper for any subject.

It is an awesome system that helps any students to upgrade their academic status.

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